scan qr code to launch ai

75% of Consumers Say QR Codes are Useful to Get Product or Service Info

Typing a website URL into a mobile device can be frustrating. When you finally land on the website, navigating can take time and getting to the right destination is not always a clear path. Once you have arrived at your destination there is typically no easy way to ask questions and get an immediate response. QR codes promise an engaging and immediate call to action. According to a shopper media study, “Beyond the novelty of scanning a QR code, the impact to brand salience can be significant. Over half of consumers (55 per cent), are likely to scan a QR code displayed on shopping centre advertising when it is for a brand they like, and 75 per cent say that QR codes are a useful way to get more information about a product or service.” AI-based Virtual Assistants can be launched from QR codes, begin interacting immediately, offer coupons or incentives to purchase, suggest add-ons (up-sell) all while recording compelling customer behavior metrics in the process. In addition, if a product is not a good fit the Virtual Assistant can guide the shopper to an alternative option. When making purchasing decisions customers can ask questions conversationally, in natural language and receive an instant response. Your brand can capture how your audience prefers to interact and meet them half-way. Are you leveraging QR codes to push product marketing or are you offering shoppers a unique opportunity to engage in a conversation with your brand?