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Featured Article: What Public Sector Entities Can Learn From Airport Innovation During the Pandemic

NOHOLD’s Advisor, Ralph Menzano, wrote an article to discuss strategies implemented that led to airports successfully navigating the pandemic. This is all in an effort to provide public sector entities with actionable ideas to improve and grow. In this article he answers the following:

“How were airport economic models able to flex during the pandemic?

Is there a success story that can serve as a model for other airports and other public sector entities for future resilience?

How has the push toward sustainability affected airport management, and how might it drive the public sector in the future?

What technology investments can be made for long-term operational efficiencies?

How will airports of the future be able to exert more control over their campuses through autonomous electrified vehicles and sustainable aviation?

How can the industry take advantage of artificial intelligence and analytics going forward?” (Page 1)

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